Our Team

Meet The Team

Tammy Ellender


Fiona Smyth

Finance Manager

Oonagh Kidby

Green Group Lead

Sue Thomas

Red Group Lead

Julie Deacon

Yellow Group Lead

Amanda Beck

Blue Group Lead

Mary Kennedy

Purple Group Lead

Katie Murphy

Orange Group Lead

Ben Yates


Our Committee

St Alphege Preschool Group is run by a committee of current and previous parents and representatives from the Oliver Bird Hall and St Alphege Church. For any parents interested in joining the committee, please email us at Chair@stalphege-preschool.org.uk.

Our Committee:

Chair Ben Yates

Treasurer Jenny Ladbrooke Treasurer

PCC Liaison Pam Price Church Warden

OBH Liaison Meryl Homer Committee Member

Committee Member Charlotte Bollard Parent Member

Committee Member Lucy Naughton Parent Member

Committee Member Sarah Curtis-Spence Parent Member